Well at least they did not fix two obvious bugs, I reported two and a half months ago: http://metalstormwingman.com/forums/topic/bug-reversed-aerodynamic-control-surfaces/ http://metalstormwingman.com/forums/topic/bug-falcon-talon-liberty-and-sphynx-feature-bizzare-underneath-fuselage/
Dissapointing to see, that Z2 seems to be more interested in realising new planes instead of maintaining the ones players have already spent money for. Does anyone know, if the reversed-aerodynamic-control-surfaces bug is also prevalent in MS:A?
On the j-35, it is especially obvious the aerodynamic bugs, as when the plane goes up, the cannards go down. If z2 created a car racing game, the car wheels would steer left when you turn right!- just glad they aren't planning on such a game!
I fly a iron fang (before I uninstalled this stupid game that is...) fully upgraded with standard issue, 20000+ skill level, and when I see a green eagle, I just turn on the after burners, and fly round and round it. The green eagle is so un- agile that despite me flying wide circles around it, it rarely gets a chance to shoot at me with its bisnovates. With the evasion and speed of a iron fang, the bisnovates of a defense class aircraft that are fired, just fly right on past... When they get bored and start doing backflips, I just take advantage of the time they are flying away from me to recharge my energy... 2:30 seconds latter, +25 skill rating!
O hope they deleted from their files so nobody will have it. If not refeatured it for 100 blue coins but it will be only available for survival. Sad thing is there's someone always who can hack it so he can use it for versus
Why are you so concerned with Green Eagle, I have killed it couple of times with my Weapon class. I have matched with you before and I think it will be a piece of cake for you kill it. Wait, you don't use those coin missile that's why.
So your weapon class = more damage and missile reload... Right. I'm agility class and I don't use coin weapons. And if I do take a GE down it was a waste of raams on an unskilled shit player that should off lost 10-0
Not me they dont. When i do encounter Dragon or GE i follow it and do not shoot. Sometimes they get so bored they surrender or wont wanr a rematch. Some got so bored that theyvtried their best to kill me or shake me off to get furing chsnce they backflip and ends in water or flies neat boats and crashes because hes not concentrating. The best one was when this guy flied near mountains and crashed
I destroyed the green eagle once with my iron fang using rams and standard cannons. I mainly used my cannons since i didn't want to waste so many missiles. The GE is very slow so it isn't hard to keep firing cannons, but it took me like 2 minutes just to get one kill.
Now could u please tell me how many Aim-124 Raam needs the Red Cow! , i mean the Red Widow ? I had 48 of them on target and not even once shot-down! forget about the cannon ammo!
Lol! Well u need to upload lots of fire for the red cow anyway, thats for sure. I doubt that the other player was a hack since we had roughly 20000 points skill difference, which mostly that counts too!!!
Both GE and Red Widow must have a lot of armor plus armor regennaration on thei stats although are easily get locked in. Anyway have nice dog/ fights everyone despite the fact that the USAF no longer requests fighters with that ability. Dog/fights belong mostly in the past-)
After the incident with the lag that made me purchase the KD-90 by mistake and the countless of time tapjoy did not reward me with blue coins though I downloaded apps through their medium, I've decided to give up on ms:wm. truly frustrating but I think it's not worth the time chasing free blue coins. And honestly the game has lost its true identity. Rather then more planes, more campaign or dogfight options and landscape should have been added instead.
It happens to everyone with the blue coins. I think it is a bit tricky when you managed to have or saved some of them. U have to be very careful when u click on that screen otherwise are very easily converted to credits!!!! I lost 80 recently -) and 20 just a while ago!!!!
Now in regards to tapjoy is really a very helpful site as it saves you a lot of quids!! Although some blue couns are not rewarded especially the ones that you have to buy the product of the particular advertiser! U really have to chase them and as it mention on their site it may take a month or so. Ne personally unless it is rewarded immediately or later on, i am not the
To continue from above: i am not the person to chase them by email or to sent them the invoices or whatever. By the way very very rarely to buy something for blue coins. Better to buy direct. But i realised that the best is to speak first with the advertiser direct to verify that their offer on the metalstorm wingman is valid, and part of their promotion. If it is they will let u know immediately if u will get the rewarded blue coins. It has nothing to do with tapjoy!!! I supposed to obtain 500 blue coins from jackpotcity but when i spoke with them they denied that the wingman was part of their promotions. They had other games instead. Now with netflix i was told that i am entitled the blue coins reward and indeed as the said to me , to wait for a couple of days, and yes that was the case-) i got the blue coins in two days time! Tapjoy replied to me by email long after that to mention that the reward was succesful!!!!! Anyway i am pretty sure that the main issue here is the wingman screen which is very tricky indeed and what i did is that i keep only around 50 blue coins for ammo-) if i got saved more than that i upgrade the planes immediately or i managed to get the iron fang for 180. I remember when i had 140 saved for two days did not play at all!!! Lol. I was just downloading the tapjoys application until to make them 180 and then the first thing i did very carefully was to get the iron fang!!!!!! Lol.. Further it happens with the ammo as well!!! At least this is what happened to me. I got the lancer or bisquits!! Instead if the vympel which is my favorite ones and thats the only one i use. So Mr anonymous u are not the only one, and definitely although it is a good game as it has a nice structure/base and as someone should had expected to be improved a lot lot lot more as it can be, unfortunately it seems that they have decided differently their nanagement. Who knows they know better. But to mention that is a very expensive game to play and should had been improved or at least to be updated regularly.
SGAS is an expensive game too. Not that real as the metalstorm. If metalstorm being updated properly , i think it can be closer to reality something like the MS flight simulator and therefore really very popular. It has the structure this game and i do not understand the reason of not properly improving it. Anyway best of luck everyone
SGAS is completely more realistic than MetalStorm Wingman. In MetalStorm Wingman, the cannons in Versus have a certain range so that when you place your crosshair directly on your opponent, when you fire your cannons they already hit. In SGAS, you have to place it in front of the direction they're travelling in. Therefore, bullets in MetalStorm Wingman travel faster than real-life bullets. SGAS expensive? Think about it, Nektarios. SGAS currently costs $3. For a lot of planes in the Mega Pack DLC, the Mega Pack only costs $6 (on weekends, certain plane/s are on sale. Mega Pack was once $3.). In the Mega Pack, you can get over 20 planes. In MetalStorm, to purchase a single plane and fully upgrade it, you need around $21.
Hey you mr Ace. Do u actually see all the airforces in this planet to have the same class of weaponry? If that is the case then u do not need to have the best possible military equipment and therefore the edge in combat field. Remember the stronger and the better always comes first. Thats the hardest thing for humans, and if not all, at least for some of them. All prefer to have the edge but unfortunately is not easy. Always u have to pay one way or another to have the edge.
I'd like to point out that during the raid on Pearl Harbor, a pair of P-40 Warhawks combined, shot down a total of 8 Jap Zero's. The Zero was faster, lighter, and WAY more maneauverable than the Curtis P-40. During the Six Day War, the Isreali's had WAY better planes, but they were still getting shot down by enemy missiles. (Even though they had the advantage of better planes. The Mirrage 2000 vs. the MiG-21.)
Most modern countries are fielding the same weapons as the US, but under different names. All (modern) countries have heat seeking, and RADAR guided missiles. As well as Stealth Fighters and Bombers. Some pilots still rely on skill instead of a better plane. (Not US pilots mind you, they have top notch planes, But not to say they ton't use skill too.) I was talking about the 2nd, and 3rd. world nations with AF's, which either field US, or Russian planes. And yes, most modern AF's have the same class of weapons.
I do agree that morale is an extra form of weaponry plus an advance in skill by itself, and it will always be the case. But unfortunately nowadays no one can overlook the fact that even the most relatively outdated weapon held by some countries can cause a major blow to our planet with uncontrolable consequences. In regards to skills today and as the major factor for
the outcome in the battlefield proves to be obsolete. The advances in electronic warfare plus computerized weapon guidance systems totally bring to the very minimum the use of the human skill. What really comes along that nowadays is that in essence no matter where a warfare takes place, when u talk about casualties, happens that the majority of them are mainly civilians and not only for the ones that reside in the vicinity of the battlefield. Finally if and only if, could happen and a major military watfare brought between any advanced military powers and even for only a short time the consequences in this little planet will totally be devastated for generation to come. now the military casualties will be just a handfull in relavance with the civilians around the globe. Today by no means soneone can compare what is about to happens in regards to history, unless it is for a very isolated incident with relative duration. Finally and about MSWN, u can upload 20 to 30 bisquits with an extra 40000 skill versus the standard weapons and still lose 3-0. !!!!!! Make sure u are not get to be offenced by the ZZ2 official reply-) lol. best of lack everyone
Well i mentioned before that the USAF is not longer requires strikers designed exlusively for dogfights. And thats official. Its a past thing for them!! Definitely they must know bettter, at least better than me. Lol anyway that came out since the lunch of the Sukhoi 35, SU-35. I have seen/watch it performing and i just got a word for it: Beauty up there. Just real beauty. U tube helps a lot. Definitely is a top notch fighter for dogfights and i have not really bothered to find out its commerciality. I doubt that it will be for Russia neither since the States are far away for any operation, where dogfights should take place. Therefore is destined for other countries or provinces. They know better anyway. Now in regards to what i mentioned above and thats my opinion and only, is with few words to say this: since 30 years ago they used to say: computer aided equipment in any weaponry. Nowadays we say human aided!! And that ofcourse to the major countries who can provide the best of weaponry. Eventually in the battlefields the human factor will be a minimal. As we can see already, casualties are from the ground forces and only. Including civilians. But then again are far less to of what they used to be few decades ago. What i wanted to say that the outcome in the battlefield is not awarded exclusively to the human factor. I mean, the best pilots, best soldiers or the best inspired general! If not fully, definitely well advanced computerized weaponry does the main job. And i mean in regards to the main players. Now for conflicts within territories or countries where a military equipment is imported definitely the human factor is a lot more heavier for the outcome in the battlefield.
You aren't takeing into account the the tens of thousands of US soldiers, Marines, and USAF personel who have died in the interests of freedom. Do not disregard them, only because perhaps more civillians have died than American soldiers. And most of the Civillians killed were not killed by US personell, but by the terrorists that we trying to oust.
The Su-35 is not as good as you say, it isn't a stealth fighter, right? Unlike the Su-50. The F-22/35B are in most respects superior pieces of Military Equipment. The F-35B can take off vertically, and can carry a good bomb load while maintaining its stealth.
Thanks Stanley for your comments about the SGAS. U know better-) i may consider it in the near future too! Its a bit hard to start all over again, although it has indeed better reviews MSWN!! P.S By the way i just got the Iron Fang only and only because its the only one that looks closer to the Sukhoi 35!!! I wish that it had the same performance too!!!! I need around an extra 90 blue coins to fully upgrade it before i take it for a real test. Waiting the tapjoy to load some more blue coins!!!!!! Lol as definitely i have no intention to pay for it. Not to hide it but should not Tapjoy been here i should not carry on MSWN for sure. I have reckon that if u really want to play and enjoy this game constantly leaving aside any financial worries u need between £50 to £100 per month. Unfortunately my wallet cant afford it! Best of luck everyone.
Well my point was and still is ( to my opinion and only) that human skills in the battlefield are bypassed by the advances in technology. Nothing more than that. And to make myself understood even more , what kind of chances ( the best skilled pilot u can find and in any aspect) has, when it flies the Mig 21 which is still operational in some territories versus the pilot in the Raptor striker. He is finished before he will even manage to take off. By the way, no one can disregard the US/ Allied forces that have been passed away over the period of time to make us/our families safer against the forces of terrorism and fanatism. Still nowadays certain forms of doctrines are bypassing the common sense and the real interests of humanity. The main thing nowadays is that weaponry in general , { and no matter who posses it and in what scale too } is that , it is so powerful that no matter where the battlefield takes place its consequences can be felt almost everywhere. Now about the SU-35. or the Su-38, i really love to watch maneuvering up there into the sky-) i have no idea in regards to its military capabilities versus any other fighter. I just love show, and spectacular things in general no matter if in the end bring the desired outcome!!!!! One example, when it comes to football, there is only one team: Brasil and in essence no one else-) As soon as they are out , i just lose my interest to watch football. I hope they gonna make it this time in the 2014 worldcup, which takes place in Brasil too!!!!
Mig-21 vs f-22 may not have the outcome you think.While the f-22 is stealth, it's missiles are not- the radar of a MIT-21 can easily pick up incoming missiles and release flares and chaff. Considering how much each f-22 cost, you can't expect too many in the air...
Some say the f-22 is vulnerable to rain. It is widely known for suffocating its pilots. It has no armor, and barely any payload.
Then again, considering how many mig-21s there are serving around the world, a one on one battle between f-22 and mig-21 is unlikely. In fact, what is more likely, is a one f-22 vs 50 mig-21 in a dogfight. Still think a f-22 is superior?
MiG-21 is an outdated piece of CRAP Russian fighter. Not a 5th. Gen. American fighter. The US pilot could fly circles around the MiG-21 before shooting it down with its cannons.
And Armor doesn't count in a modern battlefield. Do you HONESTLY THINK THAT ARMOR WILL PROTECT YOU FROM A SAM/AAM??? NO FRICKIN WAY IN H***!!!!!
So... Armor doesn't count? Assume this- You have 30 enemy tanks attacking your tanks, you come to the rescue in your f-22/f-35 and magically, out appears dozens and dozens of missiles from missile bay????? Payload matters, and so does armor. When you have enemy 30 tanks on the ground attacking your tanks, your few missiles will hardly do a thing- you need guns, and f-22/f-35 aircraft does NOT have guns with 100 mile ranges to make up for lack of armor.
So tell me Ace of War, what would you do if you were flying a f-22 (or f-35) and you were tasked with supporting tanks on the ground, and defending them from 30+ enemy tanks? Take advantage of the few missiles you have? Come in with cannons only to be shot down by the dozens of anti- aircraft guns due to having weak armor? Brag about stealth, and fly as fast as you can- ignoring the tanks on the ground? What good is the vertical take-off and landing capabilities of a f-35 then? Land on enemy tanks? ... As for the mig21 being crap- the f-22 may indeed be more modern, but it is not to say that the mig21 doesn't have flares, and chaff. A mig-21 could easily avoid a f-22's few missiles. The mig21 is a lot cheaper, and over 10,000 have been built. Saying that a f-22 would be far superior to a group of mig21 aircraft would be like saying 1x5 > 50.
I would call in my backup squad of A-10 ThunderboltII's to provide close air support. The MiG-21's would be very lucky to get a lock on the F-22. And since most aircraft DON'T FLY ALONE!! I would have at least a wingman, or more likely, 3/4 wingmen. 8 internal AAM's X 4/5 F-22's = 32/40 AAM's. Number of MiG-21's? 30.
The VTOL capabillities of the F-35B gives it the ability to refuel/rearm almost anywhere.
My point of haveing weak armor, is that if you get hit with an APR, even with DU armor, and armor plates, you will not last long. And my other point was that if you add +300lbs of armor, your plane will become a sitting duck flying at subsonic speed, and all the stealth that you had, would be redundent.
I don't understand your math, English, and logic. Where did you get the 32/40 missiles. Assuming your math is correct though, you are saying the total missiles available would be 0.8 of a missile???????????????
What is APR? Annual percentage rate?
If armor is so useless, why would you call in a-10 aircraft in the scenario above?
You have to consider how many mig21 there are in the world compare to f-22/f-35. When you consider it that way, your 32/40 missiles would be useless. For every 1 f-22, there would be over 50 mig21 aircraft. If you had 5 f-22 like you said, there would be 250 mig21 aircraft. The f-22 is far more advance, but being so out-numbered, the technologies of a f-22 would not guarantee victory. However, it is rather unlikely a mig21 would win- unable to lock on to a stealth jet with missiles, and struggling to aim the cannon. Still, with flares and chaff, and hundreds in the sky, a mig21 would not be guaranteed to lose, and survival, would not be far away
I thought we were talking about f-22 vs mig21? Consider the amount of mig21 aircraft there are compare to f-22. You are essentially saying that 32-40 missiles would be enough to take down 250 mig21 aircraft. Look at the numbers. I never said anything about attacking the US, but in response, I could equally say that Russia has thousands of aircraft to defend it too- backing up mig21 aircraft.
I almost don't believe it... are we really at that silly argue-over-real-life-plane thing again? I think that's actually worse than arguing over which plane is better in the game, because I very much doubt that real-life warplanes are really a concern for any of us. Seriously, lay it off already.
No one can disregard US/ allied forces that have passed away over a period of time to make us/ our families safer??????????! What if I told you I was the son of Osama Bin Laden?
Stealth does not equal to being invincible. Stealth aircraft does not mean stealth missiles. Stealth aircraft are useless in ground support- they have hardly any armor nor payload, and can easily be targeted visually by anti-aircraft guns. So if you think a plane like a su-35, su-27, or a-10 sucks, think again
Good luck hitting a plane flying 200ft. off the ground and over mach 2. It's almost impossible useing anything but a computer guided gun system. The F-22 can be used for taking out enemy planes that are trying to destroy your ground forces.
Say that again? If u were the son pf bin laden huh? So let me tell u this: u got my name, and i am real indeed! U can easily trace me and shoot me. But remember to make sure u have what it takes/ the mean for doing so, as i am always well prepared. I may only tell u this as a fact. I born an Atladian and therefore have no fear. I mean it. Hope that helps.
Sorry, but second amendment is indeed stupid. The right to bear arms... Great- how nice!?!? ?????????????????? Sorry, but I don't live in a bad neighborhood, and I do not need a gun to survive. I don't plan to suicide this moment, and I don't see the need to be murdered.
nobody needs anything. i shoot becuase i enjoy it, i have the right, and it is legal. nobody needs any other reason to do ANYTHING. I guess you must also be an advocate for a complete ban on motorvehicles since you dont have the "need to be murdered", after all, people are killed and injuried many more times over in vehicle related incidents. too bad there are people like you who are uninformed antiamericans. if guns "kill people" then tell me why EVERY time concealed carry is implemented crime always decreases, as much as 60%. did you know that the average U.S. gun owner has more college degrees and eduation than the average population of the U.S.? if you look at the facts, statitics, and logic, gun ownership decreases crime and creates safety conscienousness. be informed before you start talking out of your ass
I drive because I want to drive. Oh wait, no... I drive to get to the places I need to get to. Tell me then, according to your hopeless logic, why does hong kong have 146 times less crimes in general then US, in accordance with population?
Looking at facts are good- when the facts are straight
Bull Crap FlorodfiKkk We only require 381 F-22's for National Defense. 2000 would take up $284,000,000,000 to manufacture. That's about 1/64th. of our Nation Debt!!! On the other hand, the F-35 only costs $78 Million, with 1763 for USAF + 680 for USN. And we haven't even produced all of our Raptors.
Florovikkk you pisshead, you know nothing about the US, or how much money we have. We don't have $15 trillion, that's OUR NATIONAL DEBT! An F-22 Raptor costs $142 million. The F-35 costs $78 million. Both are armed with miniguns. The F-22 has an M-61. (120 rnds) The F-35 has the GAU-12. (480 rnds) (the same gun as the A-10)
An Atladian is the one that derives from the Atlantis-) it has to do with the genes although u have to follow the rules for keeping up to be part with. Thats all what i may say to u. Hope that helps. Thank u
Well you are both of the same species, so therefor you share a common ancestor and are related. Congratulations on being the same species as Winston Churchill! That's definitely a claim to fame no one else has.
Thank u Mr Anonymous for ur comment! Its an open forum here so all the opinions are appreciated-) now by reading the above posts i have realized that u overlook the fact , that by no way a striker will stand alone in any battlefield right? There is full military operation planed before hand through the participants forces. Therefore a striker has a certain role to play in the operation and only that. U cant compare something unless u see it performing its capabilities in the battlefield and thereafter u make any conclusions. What u definitely can say is that the models mentioned above are the latest in cutting edge technology F22,SU38 and therefore a desire for many air forces around the world.
Does anyone know why the f-35 has vertical takeoff and landing capabilities?
It is a multirole aircraft, but I don't see what good VTOL is. For ground support missions, I can see the need to quickly rearm and refuel to support and defend troops on the ground, however, with poor payload, and lack of armor, I don't see how it could possibly do ground support operations. The a-10 is perfect for ground support because of its powerful cannon, great payload, great low speed performance, and great armor. The f-35 has none of that. The f-35 has stealth, and speed, but that really isn't much good for ground support since you can't aim at such high speeds with cannons, and the plane barely has any missile payload; stealth is useless against anti-aircraft cannons. The USA has many large aircraft carriers capable of launching f-35 aircraft, so why waste money designing VTOL. I can see the need of stealth for special operations, and air supremacy, but not sure how stealthy it is if it suddenly decends to rearm.
Imagine a swarm of F-35's comeing in at you. Full Stealth. You can't see them on RADAR, but they already have you in their sights. Now imagine that you need to protect your ground forces, but you now have a missile locked one you, and closeing fast. Now can you perform your mission? If you continue on your mission of ground support, you risk getting hit by My missile. If you disingage, you risk loseing the battle, because you were not their when your tanks and men needed you. Now you know why the F-35 plays a good role in modern air combat.
Also, the VTOL capabilitties alow it to land on a carrier with more ease than, say, the F-18 or the F-22. And if you're airbase is destroyed, and you're flying say, and F-16, where will you land? VTOL not so important now, is it?
Don't forget anti-aircraft guns though. Guns are much cheaper, and in most countries may be more common. With no armor, it will easily be shot down. There is a reason a-10 air still in service. If a incoming missile is detected, it can easily release flares and chaff to avoid it. The beauty of the a-10's armor is that it allows it to sustain damage (from cannons/missiles) and keep flying, take advantage of its payload, and bring its pilot alive. (the engines of a a-10 were kept up there to keep it safer from heat seeking missiles, reduce noise, and keep the pilot alive if a heat seeking missile did hit- fuel tanks far from engines) When you are trying to support your tanks from dozen of enemy tanks on the ground, one f-35 won't do it- you would need many- each constantly taking off and landing vertically. How efficient is that when you can send 1 strong, cheap a-10 to do the job? Besides we currently have no wars to fight worth investing in so much money...
Yes exactly thats the case. If the stealth capability is in full use and succesful then the opponent is just a seating-duck. Not a single chance to get away, given that the Raptor is loaded. Does anyone here think that the USAF spent this amount of budget ( even more than nearly twice) the amount needed for a 5th generation fighter just for show-off? Yes i do agree that i have not seen performing so far at its best in a battlefield, but i do remember well decates ago when the F-111 came out. Now everyone here may have memories to be refreshed a bit right. F-111 super-passed anything else available at that time and for a period of time well after. I do remember as welll other than the secrecy the F-111 was surrounded in its early days, that it took years before USAF released for exhibition at a commercial airshow. I mentioned before that to have the edge in the battlefield is not only pricey but very hard indeed. But then u talk-)
All nice and lovely, until you consider the debt of the US, and that the f-22/f-35 are vulnerable to cannon fire. Good, luck convincing the military to replace each 1 a-10 with 5 f-22 aircraft... Think payload, think armor... What good is speed when you are trying to HELP your tanks on the ground and protect them from enemy forces???? Avoid gunfire, and fire off all of your missiles in a few seconds? Umm... Then what? Return to base???? Ignore the remaining enemy tanks? Call in backup from your imaginary 2000 f-22 aircraft?
One of my favorit bombers of all time is the B-52 Stratpfortress. When it is planned ot be decomissioned in 2045, it will have served for 90 years, making it one of the longest lived bombers of all time.
Ok, trying to figure out whats the main point first in this era warfare? First thing before u enter the battlefield? Ur opponent/s are already there right? Ready to kill right? U send ground forces first? or u send the heavy long-range B-52 to flatten-out in one go the battlefield and end of story? ( still using conventional equipment) Piece of cake right? How easy it may should had been. But there u go, before u enter the war-zone , u have to know before hand or to the best possible u can, what ur opponent is capable off. By gathering intelligence/electronic warfare u have but u have to know what kind of weaponry u will be about to face. Nothing but definitely nothing has to be left in chance, or to play by any kind of experiments or versus luck, or even ignorance. This time has alteady gone by, for a major player, a well civilized player that puts casualties first and to maintain them to the very minimal. This can be achieved only by having the edge. U can make money but u can never bring back a life and the sorrow that a loss of life brings back to the society in general. F22/F111 and latest in electronic warfare are the very first to enter the battlefield, to pave the way for the B 52 plus eventually/gradually after the ground forces to enter given that everything is clear. Once again to be in the forefront it costs proportionally a lot lot more. Finally when u consider the battlefield itself, have a look of what the military forces are consistent off.
My point is, different aircraft have different technologies and thus different operations. There is no need to squeeze all these needs into one f-35 aircraft. F-22/f-35 is perfect for first entering the battlefield and obtaining air superiority (due to stealth, and excellenr agility) B-52 bombers are perfect for hammering down your enemy (due to payload) A-10 is perfect for supporting troops on the ground (due to armor, payload, and powerful cannon)
So why spend so much on a multirole fighter jet when stealth is best for obtaining air superiority, and perhaps special operations?- why give a plane like this VTOL abilities, and use it as a ground support aircraft when it has no armor and no payload?
VTOL capability while it does not reduce functionality is well desired to be in any fighter. VTOL = multirole, by definition. I have not got an idea as to why is been used for ground support. Perhaps i have to learn-) Although and by common sense it looks so far partially or limited and depends on what kind of war-zone is operatted. VTOL gives straightaway this opportunity given that is free and safe for the fighter to operate. Territory were the opponents weaponry is relative outdated. Well they know better, although we may have to learn as well-)
And think about this: Imagine you're on a carrier. You are in a squadron of F-35's and your enemy is closeing, and fireing missiles at your ship. You don't have enough warning to use your steam catapult, so what happens? Well it so happens that your fighters are F-35B's! (the VTOL variant) You quickly scramble pilots, and take off quickly, so now you can intercept your enemy, and let the Carrier take out as many missiles as possible.
Your scenario is unlikely, but in the modern world is possible. However, with the jet blast being imposed upon by VTOL, even a f-35 cannot takeoff where they are parked. The F-35 would have to taxi out to an area less cluttered by jets. In other words, even with VTOL, not much time would be saved trying to get the aircraft airborne. Still though, it has come to my realization the potential of VTOL. In places like Afghanistan, it would indeed be nice to be able to take off and land vertically since there may not be safe runways available close to a battlefield. However, like mentioned above, I feel the f-35 is not well suited for ground support tasks, and I feel that its stealth and speed can be better exploited through use in specially operations, and when gaining air superiority- paving the way for b-52, b-1b, a-10 aircraft, and other military aircraft appropriate.
Actually, the last time I checked, the F-35 is not a VTOL aircraft at all, it's a STOVL (Short Takeoff or Vertical Landing) aircraft. So it requires a little bit of runway to take off, even if it's not much.
Yes i agree as well that this scenario is unlikely but its possible. The only way to be happen is between top-notch powers. If that will be the case then u talk about a mayhem to follow immediately after. I should like to even think about it and i hope no one else does, particularly the ones in charge!! I just tried to gather some information publicly available, in regards to F22 and indeed is not really capable for ground support no matter of what they were expected that it will be for in the first place. Although it is still in its early days and i think to my view and only that they will find out a way to enhance it further.
The other nice thing about the F-35, is after it's done with its bombing mission, it can turn, and defend itself useing AAM's, since it's a multirole fighter.
That was impressive to read that the eurofighter or even any other fighter at this level could not go closer than 20miles, to the best they could!!!! In essence means that the F22 just goes easily away unscratched!!! Hit and go, out of the blue!!! Further and even if the case is to be engaged in a dog fight situation has the edge in most aspects!!!! Lol. And still have not enhance it further to achive the best of what was designed for. I mean to be a fully multirole fighter. What comes along that and in my opinion is that it looks expensive but in essence is a lot ... a lot ...cheaper. Now by having such a machinery which manages already to outdate the ones currently in service by other major powers, i think that no margins left for further comments!! Lol. Best of luck everyone
I want to make it clear that I'm not saying the f-22/f-35 are bad jets. Some of the design aspects, I find questionable, and as the state of the US economy, and its debts reflect, clearly, there are better spots that I believe money can and should be spent upon.
Obviously, there is still quiet a large margin for further comments. The f-22/f-35 is obviously far more advance than any other contemporaries. However, keep in mind other countries are developing advanced stealth fighters as well. The su-50 from russia; the j-30 from china. Your eurofighter example would be assuming one vs one combat (or to other numbers, but of equal numbers to both sides). In a real are war though, both sides are not equal. If it was a battle between an American f-22 and a world war ll fighter, obviously the f-22 would win. However, if the combat was between 250 su27 aircraft, and 1 f-22, the outcome wouldn't be so obvious. Keep in mind that we can only build off what information we've been fed with. Russia keeps many technologies secret. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Russia had missiles that can shoot down stealth aircraft. Who knows though... You can say it is impossible, but frankly, who knows? ... I am simply saying that in air war, flying a f-22/f-35, or some other advanced aircraft does not guarantee victory, and only when such arises, can a outcome be accurentlly predicted. A mig21 is not necessarily junk, and it is not for us to say whether or not it is. I hope resolves the confusion evident in your poor english, and corrupted mind.
You make a very good point. If it were say, 1 F-35B vs 250 Su-27's, perhaps the F-35, haveing the advantage of stealth and long range RADAR could see the danger, and land in the nearest field that presents itself, then hide under the nearest cover, and wait for the Su-27's to run out of fuel, then spring back into the air, and take down several Su-27's. And since the Su-27's could not fight back due to their lack of fuel reserves, the F-35 could potentially get away.
I'm probably very wrong, but hey, maybe, in a last ditch scenerio, this kind of crazy move might work.
The f-35 is not invincible. Stealth aircraft have been shot down before.
Like I said above, I wouldn't be surprised if Russia has its own anti-stealth aircraft missiles.
An air war is never so simple. The outcome of such- who knows. More likely than not though, the f-35/22 will be idle for years to come, apart from training missions- Unless we find ourselves committing to yet another war... : (
a). Hypothesis scenarios? What others may develop or about to produce huh? Long live to find out!! Lol b) the discussion is about what is publicly and currently available now. Today not tommorow and if and when. Extension of what they might possess and speculations are irrelevant. If any and of course it may be the case as history has shown, but this is applied to all major or not powers right? Even if this the case, Why u talk then about what the others may possess and exluding that one? c) T-50 , not yet operational. By 2014 to 2015 and we will see. I thought u keep on talking what is readily available now? Today right? Anyway. d) J-30 right? Fact: year 1997, F-117 shot-down over Serbia. Are u aware of this ? Some managed to hit the jack-pot right? How many times do u actually think that u may hit the jack pot? In other words : Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime ... Hope that i make my self understood in regards to J-30. e) Mig-21. Are u kidding me? Mig21 nowadays for what? Suicidal missions? FACT: back in 2005, YES in 2005, 7 years ago allright? U get it? Ok. Read this then: 12 F-22 of the 94FS downed 108 adversaries with NO losses in simulated combat excersices. Jeeeeee..... Immediately after and in two weeks further excercises the Raptor-led blue force amassed 241 kills versus 2 loses in air-to-air combat. Jeeeeeeeee..... Year 2007: 6-8 F22 and against SUPERIOR NUMBER of red force aggressor F-15 plus F16, maintained air dominance through out.!! Jeeeeeeee........ No sorties were missed because of maintenance or other failures and only one F-22 was missing against the opposed total defeat!!!!!!. Jeeeeeee..... U want more? Who knows, u know better. If u manage to have and keep the edge victory is guaranteed. By the way English is not my first language, my mind i doubt that is corrupted although to make u happy i do have my mental-) Best of luck everyone
To make u even happier there is an incident well mentioned in the mainstream news, which for a civilian observer may gives a lot of feed . The only thing i am gonna tell u is that took place in 2006 and its a fact. Although it raised some concerns to many or better to say that it left plenty of questionmarks, in my opinion is too early to make a comment and i will have rather to wait and see the developments in a particular provence.
Well i think is time to talk about MSWN a bit!! It seems to me that the planes currently on the list s are getting to be outdated in regards to the ones that are popping out nearly every week. I keep on losing fights a lot easier with players where their skill level is rated a lot less than mine plus using credit ammo instead of coin ammo that i use!!!! The other thing that i have noticed as well is that planes that used hard for me to compete like the sky demon/ green eagle are relative easy to beat them lately. Finally whatever plane i use it seems slaggish in its movement in many cases. If some experience similar effects could u please mentioned here. Thank u
it is getting very annoying as well when u try to play versus mode with another player and it is getting matched always with the a batch of the same players. It does not seem fair from 8 million players to come across always with a very minimal and same batch of players. I about to stop playing this game if this situation carries on for long. Orher than boring it gets annoying as well with no interest. Best of luck everyone
I will try to found out a more realistic game in regards to air combats . Something like the Ms flight simukator in combat mode!! Well z2 gets very pricey one way or another and with this money u will be better of pputing some flight hours of experience. and who knows, one day u may in the real thing! But not for a combat mission. Best of luck everybody
Yeahhhh.... SGAS are on the lead now. It really looks amazing. At last, something as close to reality as possible is now on!!! Enjoy and hope to join soon.
First! :)
ReplyDeleteI was expecting more campaign missions. Not very impressed with update, but bug fixes are good to have.
ReplyDeletethird! And i wanted something better too, like campaign missions. Who knows what "bugs" they fixed.
ReplyDeleteWell at least they did not fix two obvious bugs, I reported two and a half months ago:
Dissapointing to see, that Z2 seems to be more interested in realising new planes instead of maintaining the ones players have already spent money for.
Does anyone know, if the reversed-aerodynamic-control-surfaces bug is also prevalent in MS:A?
On the j-35, it is especially obvious the aerodynamic bugs, as when the plane goes up, the cannards go down. If z2 created a car racing game, the car wheels would steer left when you turn right!- just glad they aren't planning on such a game!
DeleteI fly a iron fang (before I uninstalled this stupid game that is...) fully upgraded with standard issue, 20000+ skill level, and when I see a green eagle, I just turn on the after burners, and fly round and round it. The green eagle is so un- agile that despite me flying wide circles around it, it rarely gets a chance to shoot at me with its bisnovates. With the evasion and speed of a iron fang, the bisnovates of a defense class aircraft that are fired, just fly right on past... When they get bored and start doing backflips, I just take advantage of the time they are flying away from me to recharge my energy... 2:30 seconds latter, +25 skill rating!
DeleteGood. I guess this means that they are not replacing MSWM with Metalstorm: Aces. That's a relief!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteO hope they deleted from their files so nobody will have it. If not refeatured it for 100 blue coins but it will be only available for survival. Sad thing is there's someone always who can hack it so he can use it for versus
ReplyDeleteIf you play aggressively, it is not that difficult to take down GE / Dragon. I just took down a one with RAAMs tonight.
DeleteWhy are you so concerned with Green Eagle, I have killed it couple of times with my Weapon class. I have matched with you before and I think it will be a piece of cake for you kill it. Wait, you don't use those coin missile that's why.
ReplyDeleteSo your weapon class = more damage and missile reload... Right. I'm agility class and I don't use coin weapons. And if I do take a GE down it was a waste of raams on an unskilled shit player that should off lost 10-0
DeleteIt's so easy to shoot them that it gets boring you keep on shooting and them surviving.
ReplyDeleteAnd they often ask for rematch. All I want to tell them is "F*ck away."
DeleteNot me they dont. When i do encounter Dragon or GE i follow it and do not shoot. Sometimes they get so bored they surrender or wont wanr a rematch. Some got so bored that theyvtried their best to kill me or shake me off to get furing chsnce they backflip and ends in water or flies neat boats and crashes because hes not concentrating. The best one was when this guy flied near mountains and crashed
DeleteLol that's what I do now.
DeleteI taunt them by follow them around with my Wasp.
Hahaha and i still dont get why tvey use GE. 80% of players use coin weapons ehich totally devastes GE
ReplyDeleteGreen Eagle is relative easy to beat with the X 23 night wing!
ReplyDeleteI destroyed the green eagle once with my iron fang using rams and standard cannons. I mainly used my cannons since i didn't want to waste so many missiles. The GE is very slow so it isn't hard to keep firing cannons, but it took me like 2 minutes just to get one kill.
DeleteNow could u please tell me how many Aim-124 Raam needs the Red Cow! , i mean the Red Widow ? I had 48 of them on target and not even once shot-down! forget about the cannon ammo!
ReplyDeleteAAM-123, and you're a noob, while the other pilot was a hack.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I call Karma:-)
im not English as a first languaje, i not understund langwije.
(No offence, it's just fun to poke fun at others:-)
Lol! Well u need to upload lots of fire for the red cow anyway, thats for sure. I doubt that the other player was a hack since we had roughly 20000 points skill difference, which mostly that counts too!!!
ReplyDeleteAlrhough is not really fair to spent that amount of ammo!!! , for just a shot down-) anyway
ReplyDeleteGreen eagle needs a lot of fire too!!
ReplyDeleteBoth GE and Red Widow must have a lot of armor plus armor regennaration on thei stats although are easily get locked in. Anyway have nice dog/ fights everyone despite the fact that the USAF no longer requests fighters with that ability. Dog/fights belong mostly in the past-)
ReplyDeleteBut RW has no armor regen. :D
DeleteNo, Dogfights are not of the past... they are now and in the future.
DeleteAfter the incident with the lag that made me purchase the KD-90 by mistake and the countless of time tapjoy did not reward me with blue coins though I downloaded apps through their medium, I've decided to give up on ms:wm. truly frustrating but I think it's not worth the time chasing free blue coins. And honestly the game has lost its true identity. Rather then more planes, more campaign or dogfight options and landscape should have been added instead.
ReplyDeleteIt happens to everyone with the blue coins. I think it is a bit tricky when you managed to have or saved some of them. U have to be very careful when u click on that screen otherwise are very easily converted to credits!!!! I lost 80 recently -) and 20 just a while ago!!!!
ReplyDeleteNow in regards to tapjoy is really a very helpful site as it saves you a lot of quids!! Although some blue couns are not rewarded especially the ones that you have to buy the product of the particular advertiser! U really have to chase them and as it mention on their site it may take a month or so. Ne personally unless it is rewarded immediately or later on, i am not the
ReplyDeleteTo continue from above: i am not the person to chase them by email or to sent them the invoices or whatever. By the way very very rarely to buy something for blue coins. Better to buy direct. But i realised that the best is to speak first with the advertiser direct to verify that their offer on the metalstorm wingman is valid, and part of their promotion. If it is they will let u know immediately if u will get the rewarded blue coins. It has nothing to do with tapjoy!!! I supposed to obtain 500 blue coins from jackpotcity but when i spoke with them they denied that the wingman was part of their promotions. They had other games instead. Now with netflix i was told that i am entitled the blue coins reward and indeed as the said to me , to wait for a couple of days, and yes that was the case-) i got the blue coins in two days time! Tapjoy replied to me by email long after that to mention that the reward was succesful!!!!! Anyway i am pretty sure that the main issue here is the wingman screen which is very tricky indeed and what i did is that i keep only around 50 blue coins for ammo-) if i got saved more than that i upgrade the planes immediately or i managed to get the iron fang for 180. I remember when i had 140 saved for two days did not play at all!!! Lol. I was just downloading the tapjoys application until to make them 180 and then the first thing i did very carefully was to get the iron fang!!!!!! Lol.. Further it happens with the ammo as well!!! At least this is what happened to me. I got the lancer or bisquits!! Instead if the vympel which is my favorite ones and thats the only one i use. So Mr anonymous u are not the only one, and definitely although it is a good game as it has a nice structure/base and as someone should had expected to be improved a lot lot lot more as it can be, unfortunately it seems that they have decided differently their nanagement. Who knows they know better. But to mention that is a very expensive game to play and should had been improved or at least to be updated regularly.
DeleteAnd did I mention NOOB?
I hated it when people would use coin missiles, so I just switched to SGAS.
SGAS is an expensive game too. Not that real as the metalstorm. If metalstorm being updated properly , i think it can be closer to reality something like the MS flight simulator and therefore really very popular. It has the structure this game and i do not understand the reason of not properly improving it. Anyway best of luck everyone
DeleteSGAS is completely more realistic than MetalStorm Wingman. In MetalStorm Wingman, the cannons in Versus have a certain range so that when you place your crosshair directly on your opponent, when you fire your cannons they already hit. In SGAS, you have to place it in front of the direction they're travelling in. Therefore, bullets in MetalStorm Wingman travel faster than real-life bullets.
DeleteSGAS expensive? Think about it, Nektarios. SGAS currently costs $3. For a lot of planes in the Mega Pack DLC, the Mega Pack only costs $6 (on weekends, certain plane/s are on sale. Mega Pack was once $3.). In the Mega Pack, you can get over 20 planes. In MetalStorm, to purchase a single plane and fully upgrade it, you need around $21.
Hey you mr Ace. Do u actually see all the airforces in this planet to have the same class of weaponry? If that is the case then u do not need to have the best possible military equipment and therefore the edge in combat field. Remember the stronger and the better always comes first. Thats the hardest thing for humans, and if not all, at least for some of them. All prefer to have the edge but unfortunately is not easy. Always u have to pay one way or another to have the edge.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to point out that during the raid on Pearl Harbor, a pair of P-40 Warhawks combined, shot down a total of 8 Jap Zero's.
ReplyDeleteThe Zero was faster, lighter, and WAY more maneauverable than the Curtis
During the Six Day War, the Isreali's had WAY better planes, but they were still getting shot down by enemy missiles. (Even though they had the advantage of better planes. The Mirrage 2000 vs. the MiG-21.)
Most modern countries are fielding the same weapons as the US, but under different names. All (modern) countries have heat seeking, and RADAR guided missiles. As well as Stealth Fighters and Bombers.
Some pilots still rely on skill instead of a better plane. (Not US pilots mind you, they have top notch planes, But not to say they ton't use skill too.) I was talking about the 2nd, and 3rd. world nations with AF's, which either field US, or Russian planes.
And yes, most modern AF's have the same class of weapons.
I do agree that morale is an extra form of weaponry plus an advance in skill by itself, and it will always be the case. But unfortunately nowadays no one can overlook the fact that even the most relatively outdated weapon held by some countries can cause a major blow to our planet with uncontrolable consequences. In regards to skills today and as the major factor for
ReplyDeletethe outcome in the battlefield proves to be obsolete. The advances in electronic warfare plus computerized weapon guidance systems totally bring to the very minimum the use of the human skill. What really comes along that nowadays is that in essence no matter where a warfare takes place, when u talk about casualties, happens that the majority of them are mainly civilians and not only for the ones that reside in the vicinity of the battlefield. Finally if and only if, could happen and a major military watfare brought between any advanced military powers and even for only a short time the consequences in this little planet will totally be devastated for generation to come. now the military casualties will be just a handfull in relavance with the civilians around the globe. Today by no means soneone can compare what is about to happens in regards to history, unless it is for a very isolated incident with relative duration. Finally and about MSWN, u can upload 20 to 30 bisquits with an extra 40000 skill versus the standard weapons and still lose 3-0. !!!!!! Make sure u are not get to be offenced by the ZZ2 official reply-) lol. best of lack everyone
ReplyDeleteUmm... The outcomes in battlefields are obsolete because of computerized weapon guidance systems??? what's the logic?
DeleteI know for a fact that dogfight has decreased its value by a lot....
DeleteI was in the air force.
Just met a guy who was 3K SR and had GE
DeleteWell i mentioned before that the USAF is not longer requires strikers designed exlusively for dogfights. And thats official. Its a past thing for them!! Definitely they must know bettter, at least better than me. Lol anyway that came out since the lunch of the Sukhoi 35, SU-35. I have seen/watch it performing and i just got a word for it: Beauty up there. Just real beauty. U tube helps a lot. Definitely is a top notch fighter for dogfights and i have not really bothered to find out its commerciality. I doubt that it will be for Russia neither since the States are far away for any operation, where dogfights should take place. Therefore is destined for other countries or provinces. They know better anyway. Now in regards to what i mentioned above and thats my opinion and only, is with few words to say this: since 30 years ago they used to say: computer aided equipment in any weaponry. Nowadays we say human aided!! And that ofcourse to the major countries who can provide the best of weaponry. Eventually in the battlefields the human factor will be a minimal. As we can see already, casualties are from the ground forces and only. Including civilians. But then again are far less to of what they used to be few decades ago. What i wanted to say that the outcome in the battlefield is not awarded exclusively to the human factor. I mean, the best pilots, best soldiers or the best inspired general! If not fully, definitely well advanced computerized weaponry does the main job. And i mean in regards to the main players. Now for conflicts within territories or countries where a military equipment is imported definitely the human factor is a lot more heavier for the outcome in the battlefield.
ReplyDeleteYou aren't takeing into account the the tens of thousands of US soldiers, Marines, and USAF personel who have died in the interests of freedom.
DeleteDo not disregard them, only because perhaps more civillians have died than American soldiers. And most of the Civillians killed were not killed by US personell, but by the terrorists that we trying to oust.
The Su-35 is not as good as you say, it isn't a stealth fighter, right? Unlike the Su-50.
The F-22/35B are in most respects superior pieces of Military Equipment. The F-35B can take off vertically, and can carry a good bomb load while maintaining its stealth.
Thanks Stanley for your comments about the SGAS. U know better-) i may consider it in the near future too! Its a bit hard to start all over again, although it has indeed better reviews MSWN!! P.S By the way i just got the Iron Fang only and only because its the only one that looks closer to the Sukhoi 35!!! I wish that it had the same performance too!!!! I need around an extra 90 blue coins to fully upgrade it before i take it for a real test. Waiting the tapjoy to load some more blue coins!!!!!! Lol as definitely i have no intention to pay for it. Not to hide it but should not Tapjoy been here i should not carry on MSWN for sure. I have reckon that if u really want to play and enjoy this game constantly leaving aside any financial worries u need between £50 to £100 per month. Unfortunately my wallet cant afford it! Best of luck everyone.
ReplyDeleteWell my point was and still is ( to my opinion and only) that human skills in the battlefield are bypassed by the advances in technology. Nothing more than that. And to make myself understood even more , what kind of chances ( the best skilled pilot u can find and in any aspect) has, when it flies the Mig 21 which is still operational in some territories versus the pilot in the Raptor striker. He is finished before he will even manage to take off. By the way, no one can disregard the US/ Allied forces that have been passed away over the period of time to make us/our families safer against the forces of terrorism and fanatism. Still nowadays certain forms of doctrines are bypassing the common sense and the real interests of humanity. The main thing nowadays is that weaponry in general , { and no matter who posses it and in what scale too } is that , it is so powerful that no matter where the battlefield takes place its consequences can be felt almost everywhere. Now about the SU-35. or the Su-38, i really love to watch maneuvering up there into the sky-) i have no idea in regards to its military capabilities versus any other fighter. I just love show, and spectacular things in general no matter if in the end bring the desired outcome!!!!! One example, when it comes to football, there is only one team: Brasil and in essence no one else-) As soon as they are out , i just lose my interest to watch football. I hope they gonna make it this time in the 2014 worldcup, which takes place in Brasil too!!!!
ReplyDeleteMig-21 vs f-22 may not have the outcome you think.While the f-22 is stealth, it's missiles are not- the radar of a MIT-21 can easily pick up incoming missiles and release flares and chaff. Considering how much each f-22 cost, you can't expect too many in the air...
DeleteSome say the f-22 is vulnerable to rain.
It is widely known for suffocating its pilots.
It has no armor, and barely any payload.
Then again, considering how many mig-21s there are serving around the world, a one on one battle between f-22 and mig-21 is unlikely. In fact, what is more likely, is a one f-22 vs 50 mig-21 in a dogfight. Still think a f-22 is superior?
DeleteMiG-21 is an outdated piece of CRAP Russian fighter. Not a 5th. Gen. American fighter. The US pilot could fly circles around the MiG-21 before shooting it down with its cannons.
DeleteAnd Armor doesn't count in a modern battlefield.
Agreed, but the stealth coating explained the high maintenance fee.
DeleteThe F-35 JSF is alot cheaper (about twice as cheap)
DeleteThe 'B' variant can take of vertically, and land vertically, along with hover.
So... Armor doesn't count? Assume this- You have 30 enemy tanks attacking your tanks, you come to the rescue in your f-22/f-35 and magically, out appears dozens and dozens of missiles from missile bay????? Payload matters, and so does armor. When you have enemy 30 tanks on the ground attacking your tanks, your few missiles will hardly do a thing- you need guns, and f-22/f-35 aircraft does NOT have guns with 100 mile ranges to make up for lack of armor.
DeleteSo tell me Ace of War, what would you do if you were flying a f-22 (or f-35) and you were tasked with supporting tanks on the ground, and defending them from 30+ enemy tanks? Take advantage of the few missiles you have? Come in with cannons only to be shot down by the dozens of anti- aircraft guns due to having weak armor? Brag about stealth, and fly as fast as you can- ignoring the tanks on the ground? What good is the vertical take-off and landing capabilities of a f-35 then? Land on enemy tanks? ... As for the mig21 being crap- the f-22 may indeed be more modern, but it is not to say that the mig21 doesn't have flares, and chaff. A mig-21 could easily avoid a f-22's few missiles. The mig21 is a lot cheaper, and over 10,000 have been built. Saying that a f-22 would be far superior to a group of mig21 aircraft would be like saying 1x5 > 50.
I would call in my backup squad of A-10 ThunderboltII's to provide close air support.
DeleteThe MiG-21's would be very lucky to get a lock on the F-22. And since most aircraft DON'T FLY ALONE!! I would have at least a wingman, or more likely, 3/4 wingmen.
8 internal AAM's X 4/5 F-22's = 32/40 AAM's. Number of MiG-21's? 30.
The VTOL capabillities of the F-35B gives it the ability to refuel/rearm almost anywhere.
My point of haveing weak armor, is that if you get hit with an APR, even with DU armor, and armor plates, you will not last long. And my other point was that if you add +300lbs of armor, your plane will become a sitting duck flying at subsonic speed, and all the stealth that you had, would be redundent.
I don't understand your math, English, and logic. Where did you get the 32/40 missiles. Assuming your math is correct though, you are saying the total missiles available would be 0.8 of a missile???????????????
DeleteWhat is APR? Annual percentage rate?
If armor is so useless, why would you call in a-10 aircraft in the scenario above?
You have to consider how many mig21 there are in the world compare to f-22/f-35. When you consider it that way, your 32/40 missiles would be useless. For every 1 f-22, there would be over 50 mig21 aircraft. If you had 5 f-22 like you said, there would be 250 mig21 aircraft. The f-22 is far more advance, but being so out-numbered, the technologies of a f-22 would not guarantee victory. However, it is rather unlikely a mig21 would win- unable to lock on to a stealth jet with missiles, and struggling to aim the cannon. Still, with flares and chaff, and hundreds in the sky, a mig21 would not be guaranteed to lose, and survival, would not be far away
Never mind your math, I think you mean 32-40 missiles right?
DeleteYep. That's plenty to take down all 30 MiG-21's.
DeleteAPR= Armor Pierceing Round. Go do some research, pisshead.
DeleteWhy the US has thousands of OTHER combat aircraft to defend the US.
DeleteI thought we were talking about f-22 vs mig21? Consider the amount of mig21 aircraft there are compare to f-22. You are essentially saying that 32-40 missiles would be enough to take down 250 mig21 aircraft. Look at the numbers. I never said anything about attacking the US, but in response, I could equally say that Russia has thousands of aircraft to defend it too- backing up mig21 aircraft.
DeleteThe original post said 30 MiG's.
DeleteI almost don't believe it... are we really at that silly argue-over-real-life-plane thing again? I think that's actually worse than arguing over which plane is better in the game, because I very much doubt that real-life warplanes are really a concern for any of us.
DeleteSeriously, lay it off already.
No one can disregard US/ allied forces that have passed away over a period of time to make us/ our families safer??????????! What if I told you I was the son of Osama Bin Laden?
ReplyDeleteStealth does not equal to being invincible. Stealth aircraft does not mean stealth missiles. Stealth aircraft are useless in ground support- they have hardly any armor nor payload, and can easily be targeted visually by anti-aircraft guns. So if you think a plane like a su-35, su-27, or a-10 sucks, think again
ReplyDelete... And don't be stupid
Good luck hitting a plane flying 200ft. off the ground and over mach 2.
DeleteIt's almost impossible useing anything but a computer guided gun system.
The F-22 can be used for taking out enemy planes that are trying to destroy your ground forces.
Computer guided gun system
DeleteSay that again? If u were the son pf bin laden huh? So let me tell u this: u got my name, and i am real indeed! U can easily trace me and shoot me. But remember to make sure u have what it takes/ the mean for doing so, as i am always well prepared. I may only tell u this as a fact. I born an Atladian and therefore have no fear. I mean it. Hope that helps.
ReplyDeleteWhat's Atladian?
DeleteIt means idiot
DeleteI certainly have the means...
ReplyDelete2nd amendment is stupid
DeleteAnd you must be a Liberal SOB!
DeleteDo you hate Freedom of speech too?
Sorry, but second amendment is indeed stupid. The right to bear arms... Great- how nice!?!? ??????????????????
DeleteSorry, but I don't live in a bad neighborhood, and I do not need a gun to survive. I don't plan to suicide this moment, and I don't see the need to be murdered.
nobody needs anything. i shoot becuase i enjoy it, i have the right, and it is legal. nobody needs any other reason to do ANYTHING. I guess you must also be an advocate for a complete ban on motorvehicles since you dont have the "need to be murdered", after all, people are killed and injuried many more times over in vehicle related incidents. too bad there are people like you who are uninformed antiamericans. if guns "kill people" then tell me why EVERY time concealed carry is implemented crime always decreases, as much as 60%. did you know that the average U.S. gun owner has more college degrees and eduation than the average population of the U.S.? if you look at the facts, statitics, and logic, gun ownership decreases crime and creates safety conscienousness. be informed before you start talking out of your ass
DeleteI drive because I want to drive. Oh wait, no... I drive to get to the places I need to get to. Tell me then, according to your hopeless logic, why does hong kong have 146 times less crimes in general then US, in accordance with population?
DeleteLooking at facts are good- when the facts are straight
America has more than 2000 F-22 Raptors
ReplyDeleteBull Crap FlorodfiKkk
DeleteWe only require 381 F-22's for National Defense.
2000 would take up $284,000,000,000 to manufacture. That's about 1/64th. of our Nation Debt!!!
On the other hand, the F-35 only costs $78 Million, with 1763 for USAF + 680 for USN.
And we haven't even produced all of our Raptors.
1 F-22 costs $1 Billion
ReplyDeleteUSA has over 15 trillion dollars. Also USA didnt buy all those F-22 at once.
Excuse me kid, but a f-22 cost over 100,000 dollars.
DeleteWe only ordered about 380 Raptors.
Delete2 trillion dollars
ReplyDeleteFor 2000 Raptors. As I said USA bought one by one not 2000 at once
Delete2000 raptors? 200 is closer. Say the US was stupid enough to spend so much on f-22 jets,, consider that there are over 10,000 MIG21 built to date.
DeleteFlorovikkk you pisshead, you know nothing about the US, or how much money we have. We don't have $15 trillion, that's OUR NATIONAL DEBT!
DeleteAn F-22 Raptor costs $142 million.
The F-35 costs $78 million.
Both are armed with miniguns.
The F-22 has an M-61. (120 rnds)
The F-35 has the GAU-12. (480 rnds) (the same gun as the A-10)
Actually, a-10 has gau-8
DeleteAn Atladian is the one that derives from the Atlantis-) it has to do with the genes although u have to follow the rules for keeping up to be part with. Thats all what i may say to u. Hope that helps. Thank u
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm related the Winston Churchill.
Delete(No, seriously, I am.)
Well you are both of the same species, so therefor you share a common ancestor and are related. Congratulations on being the same species as Winston Churchill! That's definitely a claim to fame no one else has.
DeleteThank u Mr Anonymous for ur comment! Its an open forum here so all the opinions are appreciated-) now by reading the above posts i have realized that u overlook the fact , that by no way a striker will stand alone in any battlefield right? There is full military operation planed before hand through the participants forces. Therefore a striker has a certain role to play in the operation and only that. U cant compare something unless u see it performing its capabilities in the battlefield and thereafter u make any conclusions. What u definitely can say is that the models mentioned above are the latest in cutting edge technology F22,SU38 and therefore a desire for many air forces around the world.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know why the f-35 has vertical takeoff and landing capabilities?
ReplyDeleteIt is a multirole aircraft, but I don't see what good VTOL is. For ground support missions, I can see the need to quickly rearm and refuel to support and defend troops on the ground, however, with poor payload, and lack of armor, I don't see how it could possibly do ground support operations. The a-10 is perfect for ground support because of its powerful cannon, great payload, great low speed performance, and great armor. The f-35 has none of that. The f-35 has stealth, and speed, but that really isn't much good for ground support since you can't aim at such high speeds with cannons, and the plane barely has any missile payload; stealth is useless against anti-aircraft cannons. The USA has many large aircraft carriers capable of launching f-35 aircraft, so why waste money designing VTOL. I can see the need of stealth for special operations, and air supremacy, but not sure how stealthy it is if it suddenly decends to rearm.
Imagine a swarm of F-35's comeing in at you. Full Stealth.
DeleteYou can't see them on RADAR, but they already have you in their sights. Now imagine that you need to protect your ground forces, but you now have a missile locked one you, and closeing fast.
Now can you perform your mission?
If you continue on your mission of ground support, you risk getting hit by My missile. If you disingage, you risk loseing the battle, because you were not their when your tanks and men needed you.
Now you know why the F-35 plays a good role in modern air combat.
Also, the VTOL capabilitties alow it to land on a carrier with more ease than, say, the F-18 or the F-22.
And if you're airbase is destroyed, and you're flying say, and F-16, where will you land?
VTOL not so important now, is it?
Don't forget anti-aircraft guns though. Guns are much cheaper, and in most countries may be more common. With no armor, it will easily be shot down. There is a reason a-10 air still in service. If a incoming missile is detected, it can easily release flares and chaff to avoid it. The beauty of the a-10's armor is that it allows it to sustain damage (from cannons/missiles) and keep flying, take advantage of its payload, and bring its pilot alive. (the engines of a a-10 were kept up there to keep it safer from heat seeking missiles, reduce noise, and keep the pilot alive if a heat seeking missile did hit- fuel tanks far from engines) When you are trying to support your tanks from dozen of enemy tanks on the ground, one f-35 won't do it- you would need many- each constantly taking off and landing vertically. How efficient is that when you can send 1 strong, cheap a-10 to do the job? Besides we currently have no wars to fight worth investing in so much money...
DeleteYes exactly thats the case. If the stealth capability is in full use and succesful then the opponent is just a seating-duck. Not a single chance to get away, given that the Raptor is loaded. Does anyone here think that the USAF spent this amount of budget ( even more than nearly twice) the amount needed for a 5th generation fighter just for show-off? Yes i do agree that i have not seen performing so far at its best in a battlefield, but i do remember well decates ago when the F-111 came out. Now everyone here may have memories to be refreshed a bit right. F-111 super-passed anything else available at that time and for a period of time well after. I do remember as welll other than the secrecy the F-111 was surrounded in its early days, that it took years before USAF released for exhibition at a commercial airshow. I mentioned before that to have the edge in the battlefield is not only pricey but very hard indeed. But then u talk-)
ReplyDeleteAll nice and lovely, until you consider the debt of the US, and that the f-22/f-35 are vulnerable to cannon fire. Good, luck convincing the military to replace each 1 a-10 with 5 f-22 aircraft... Think payload, think armor... What good is speed when you are trying to HELP your tanks on the ground and protect them from enemy forces???? Avoid gunfire, and fire off all of your missiles in a few seconds? Umm... Then what? Return to base???? Ignore the remaining enemy tanks? Call in backup from your imaginary 2000 f-22 aircraft?
DeleteOne of my favorit bombers of all time is the B-52 Stratpfortress. When it is planned ot be decomissioned in 2045, it will have served for 90 years, making it one of the longest lived bombers of all time.
ReplyDeleteBuff: big ugly fucking fellow
DeleteNice jet, though I'm not sure how environmentalist think of it! Can't the b52 be replaced by b1?
DeleteThe payload of the B-52 is a hellofalot more than the B1-B.
DeleteOk, trying to figure out whats the main point first in this era warfare? First thing before u enter the battlefield? Ur opponent/s are already there right? Ready to kill right? U send ground forces first? or u send the heavy long-range B-52 to flatten-out in one go the battlefield and end of story? ( still using conventional equipment) Piece of cake right? How easy it may should had been. But there u go, before u enter the war-zone , u have to know before hand or to the best possible u can, what ur opponent is capable off. By gathering intelligence/electronic warfare u have but u have to know what kind of weaponry u will be about to face. Nothing but definitely nothing has to be left in chance, or to play by any kind of experiments or versus luck, or even ignorance. This time has alteady gone by, for a major player, a well civilized player that puts casualties first and to maintain them to the very minimal. This can be achieved only by having the edge. U can make money but u can never bring back a life and the sorrow that a loss of life brings back to the society in general. F22/F111 and latest in electronic warfare are the very first to enter the battlefield, to pave the way for the B 52 plus eventually/gradually after the ground forces to enter given that everything is clear. Once again to be in the forefront it costs proportionally a lot lot more. Finally when u consider the battlefield itself, have a look of what the military forces are consistent off.
ReplyDeleteMy point is, different aircraft have different technologies and thus different operations. There is no need to squeeze all these needs into one f-35 aircraft.
DeleteF-22/f-35 is perfect for first entering the battlefield and obtaining air superiority (due to stealth, and excellenr agility)
B-52 bombers are perfect for hammering down your enemy (due to payload)
A-10 is perfect for supporting troops on the ground (due to armor, payload, and powerful cannon)
So why spend so much on a multirole fighter jet when stealth is best for obtaining air superiority, and perhaps special operations?- why give a plane like this VTOL abilities, and use it as a ground support aircraft when it has no armor and no payload?
VTOL capability while it does not reduce functionality is well desired to be in any fighter. VTOL = multirole, by definition. I have not got an idea as to why is been used for ground support. Perhaps i have to learn-) Although and by common sense it looks so far partially or limited and depends on what kind of war-zone is operatted. VTOL gives straightaway this opportunity given that is free and safe for the fighter to operate. Territory were the opponents weaponry is relative outdated. Well they know better, although we may have to learn as well-)
ReplyDeletePlease speak in English
DeleteAnd think about this:
ReplyDeleteImagine you're on a carrier. You are in a squadron of F-35's and your enemy is closeing, and fireing missiles at your ship. You don't have enough warning to use your steam catapult, so what happens?
Well it so happens that your fighters are F-35B's! (the VTOL variant) You quickly scramble pilots, and take off quickly, so now you can intercept your enemy, and let the Carrier take out as many missiles as possible.
Your scenario is unlikely, but in the modern world is possible. However, with the jet blast being imposed upon by VTOL, even a f-35 cannot takeoff where they are parked. The F-35 would have to taxi out to an area less cluttered by jets. In other words, even with VTOL, not much time would be saved trying to get the aircraft airborne. Still though, it has come to my realization the potential of VTOL. In places like Afghanistan, it would indeed be nice to be able to take off and land vertically since there may not be safe runways available close to a battlefield. However, like mentioned above, I feel the f-35 is not well suited for ground support tasks, and I feel that its stealth and speed can be better exploited through use in specially operations, and when gaining air superiority- paving the way for b-52, b-1b, a-10 aircraft, and other military aircraft appropriate.
DeleteActually, the last time I checked, the F-35 is not a VTOL aircraft at all, it's a STOVL (Short Takeoff or Vertical Landing) aircraft. So it requires a little bit of runway to take off, even if it's not much.
DeleteYes i agree as well that this scenario is unlikely but its possible. The only way to be happen is between top-notch powers. If that will be the case then u talk about a mayhem to follow immediately after. I should like to even think about it and i hope no one else does, particularly the ones in charge!! I just tried to gather some information publicly available, in regards to F22 and indeed is not really capable for ground support no matter of what they were expected that it will be for in the first place. Although it is still in its early days and i think to my view and only that they will find out a way to enhance it further.
ReplyDeletehttp://wallacegsmith.wordpress.com/2012/07/31/the-f-22-raptor-versus-the-eurofighter-typhoon-and-the-winner-is/ Interesting!
ReplyDeleteIf u go to this link please disregard the : Interesting! Its mine. Lol
ReplyDeleteThe other nice thing about the F-35, is after it's done with its bombing mission, it can turn, and defend itself useing AAM's, since it's a multirole fighter.
ReplyDeleteThat was impressive to read that the eurofighter or even any other fighter at this level could not go closer than 20miles, to the best they could!!!! In essence means that the F22 just goes easily away unscratched!!! Hit and go, out of the blue!!! Further and even if the case is to be engaged in a dog fight situation has the edge in most aspects!!!! Lol. And still have not enhance it further to achive the best of what was designed for. I mean to be a fully multirole fighter. What comes along that and in my opinion is that it looks expensive but in essence is a lot ... a lot ...cheaper. Now by having such a machinery which manages already to outdate the ones currently in service by other major powers, i think that no margins left for further comments!! Lol. Best of luck everyone
ReplyDeleteI want to make it clear that I'm not saying the f-22/f-35 are bad jets. Some of the design aspects, I find questionable, and as the state of the US economy, and its debts reflect, clearly, there are better spots that I believe money can and should be spent upon.
DeleteObviously, there is still quiet a large margin for further comments. The f-22/f-35 is obviously far more advance than any other contemporaries. However, keep in mind other countries are developing advanced stealth fighters as well. The su-50 from russia; the j-30 from china. Your eurofighter example would be assuming one vs one combat (or to other numbers, but of equal numbers to both sides). In a real are war though, both sides are not equal. If it was a battle between an American f-22 and a world war ll fighter, obviously the f-22 would win. However, if the combat was between 250 su27 aircraft, and 1 f-22, the outcome wouldn't be so obvious. Keep in mind that we can only build off what information we've been fed with. Russia keeps many technologies secret. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Russia had missiles that can shoot down stealth aircraft. Who knows though... You can say it is impossible, but frankly, who knows? ... I am simply saying that in air war, flying a f-22/f-35, or some other advanced aircraft does not guarantee victory, and only when such arises, can a outcome be accurentlly predicted. A mig21 is not necessarily junk, and it is not for us to say whether or not it is. I hope resolves the confusion evident in your poor english, and corrupted mind.
You make a very good point.
DeleteIf it were say, 1 F-35B vs 250 Su-27's, perhaps the F-35, haveing the advantage of stealth and long range RADAR could see the danger, and land in the nearest field that presents itself, then hide under the nearest cover, and wait for the Su-27's to run out of fuel, then spring back into the air, and take down several Su-27's.
And since the Su-27's could not fight back due to their lack of fuel reserves, the F-35 could potentially get away.
I'm probably very wrong, but hey, maybe, in a last ditch scenerio, this kind of crazy move might work.
The f-35 is not invincible. Stealth aircraft have been shot down before.
DeleteLike I said above, I wouldn't be surprised if Russia has its own anti-stealth aircraft missiles.
An air war is never so simple. The outcome of such- who knows. More likely than not though, the f-35/22 will be idle for years to come, apart from training missions- Unless we find ourselves committing to yet another war... : (
ReplyDeletePoor english and corrupted mind...... Hmmmm no further comments -) yes indeed truth hurts always
ReplyDeletea). Hypothesis scenarios? What others may develop or about to produce huh? Long live to find out!! Lol b) the discussion is about what is publicly and currently available now. Today not tommorow and if and when. Extension of what they might possess and speculations are irrelevant. If any and of course it may be the case as history has shown, but this is applied to all major or not powers right? Even if this the case, Why u talk then about what the others may possess and exluding that one? c) T-50 , not yet operational. By 2014 to 2015 and we will see. I thought u keep on talking what is readily available now? Today right? Anyway. d) J-30 right? Fact: year 1997, F-117 shot-down over Serbia. Are u aware of this ? Some managed to hit the jack-pot right? How many times do u actually think that u may hit the jack pot?
ReplyDeleteIn other words : Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime ... Hope that i make my self understood in regards to J-30. e) Mig-21. Are u kidding me? Mig21 nowadays for what? Suicidal missions? FACT: back in 2005, YES in 2005, 7 years ago allright? U get it? Ok. Read this then: 12 F-22 of the 94FS downed 108 adversaries with NO losses in simulated combat excersices. Jeeeeee..... Immediately after and in two weeks further excercises the Raptor-led blue force amassed 241 kills versus 2 loses in air-to-air combat. Jeeeeeeeee..... Year 2007: 6-8 F22 and against SUPERIOR NUMBER of red force aggressor F-15 plus F16, maintained air dominance through out.!! Jeeeeeeee........ No sorties were missed because of maintenance or other failures and only one F-22 was missing against the opposed total defeat!!!!!!. Jeeeeeee..... U want more? Who knows, u know better. If u manage to have and keep the edge victory is guaranteed. By the way English is not my first language, my mind i doubt that is corrupted although to make u happy i do have my mental-) Best of luck everyone
Who knows? Maybe Russia already has hundreds of stealth fighters. Doubt it, but again, who knows?!?
DeleteTo make u even happier there is an incident well mentioned in the mainstream news, which for a civilian observer may gives a lot of feed . The only thing i am gonna tell u is that took place in 2006 and its a fact. Although it raised some concerns to many or better to say that it left plenty of questionmarks, in my opinion is too early to make a comment and i will have rather to wait and see the developments in a particular provence.
ReplyDeleteAm I rude?
ReplyDeleteWell i think is time to talk about MSWN a bit!! It seems to me that the planes currently on the list s are getting to be outdated in regards to the ones that are popping out nearly every week. I keep on losing fights a lot easier with players where their skill level is rated a lot less than mine plus using credit ammo instead of coin ammo that i use!!!! The other thing that i have noticed as well is that planes that used hard for me to compete like the sky demon/ green eagle are relative easy to beat them lately. Finally whatever plane i use it seems slaggish in its movement in many cases. If some experience similar effects could u please mentioned here. Thank u
ReplyDeleteit is getting very annoying as well when u try to play versus mode with another player and it is getting matched always with the a batch of the same players. It does not seem fair from 8 million players to come across always with a very minimal and same batch of players. I about to stop playing this game if this situation carries on for long. Orher than boring it gets annoying as well with no interest. Best of luck everyone
ReplyDeleteI will try to found out a more realistic game in regards to air combats . Something like the Ms flight simukator in combat mode!! Well z2 gets very pricey one way or another and with this money u will be better of pputing some flight hours of experience. and who knows, one day u may in the real thing! But not for a combat mission. Best of luck everybody
ReplyDeleteSGAS seems a bit complicated for an iphone handset. Graphics not that realistic as well.
ReplyDeleteYeahhhh.... SGAS are on the lead now. It really looks amazing. At last, something as close to reality as possible is now on!!! Enjoy and hope to join soon.