Sunday, June 23, 2013

Version 5.2 - New Missile, New Planes

I was on vacation all last week - will start catching up in the next couple days.  Looks like some exciting new updates!

I've updated the plane comparison table & fleet at a glance.  Will add plane reviews in the next day or two.  Lets also hear how you like the 5.2 upgrade along with the new missile.

...oh yeah, and the worldwide Metalstorm Aces release also!


  1. First comment presumed


    1. Does someone know this guy? ZORRO???

      There is a guy called Zorro. He is sending messages with nasty stuff. He also has a way to invade the game an screw the image of the airplane. What can we do against this guy?

  2. Please comment by today, at least for the Karma plane! It looks like an excellent campaign missions plane, +13 damage, +14 agility, +3 armor regen, +6 crit, much better than the aurora. I'm debating whether i should buy it or not. The Karma will expire in <24 hours!

  3. Updates include: Bisno especially, becomes super difficult dodge.

    1. Sean, they didnt’ become difficult to dodge. Others at the fan club concluded that it’s the Missile Delay... It iz back!!
      The missiles hit you already even before you thought you “dodge” them

    2. The stats aren't changed right? Well, I don't even play with Bisno players anymore.

    3. I agree that dodging bisnos are more difficult with the upgraded version. I'm getting blown out in the first few seconds.

  4. This game is full of idiots that cheat to win. My rate should be at least 30k by now but you know what? after I get to the level 4000 (above that there is a limbo of cheaters up to rates of 99999999999...) I surrender to lower it down below 4000, where normal player with NORMAL VERSIONS OF THE GAME are...

    > 4000 , screw u all!!!!!

    1. Wait till you hit the 10000 mark. you'll think most of them is hackers

    2. Not all players with above 4k are cheaters/hackers.. My SR is only 35K and I get hater messages when I beat folks with SR higher than mine.
      The last one how complemented with a hacker comment was SA.AD. LOL.

    3. What do you mean by 4k or 10000 mark?? Do you mean SR?? I agree then, not all people with high SR are hackers - My SR is 24000 and I have squares eyes to prove it!! I have had some nasty messages sent thru the friend request though, when I win AND lose!! Just get back to flying and playing nice:)If you have nothing nice to say - go play another game!!

    4. What I mean when you hit the 10000 SR, you will meet a lot of good fighter, and because they are so damn good, you will think they are hackers, but they are Not.

    5. There is a guy called Zorro. He is sending messages with nasty stuff. He also has a way to invade the game an screw the image of the airplane. What can we do against this guy?

  5. Z2 is issueing teasers for what looks like to be the international start of Metalstorm Aces:

    @metalstorm tweets:

    11JUN13 #workinprogress

    12JUN13 There once was a pilot named #Vargas. She went missing during the #MarkovianRebellion years ago...

    19JUN13 The #Privateer is as versatile as they come. No matter the mission, this plane is ready for the job!

    20JUN13 They will pay.

    to be continue'd

    1. Looks like I have been guessing right:

      24JUN13 @Z2 is proud to announce @MetalStorm: Aces, launching this Thursday, June 27th, 2013!

  6. Don't know why but I cannot see the new Karma plane among the planes available. The "new" plane available for me is just the F12 liberty. Despite this I fought one Karma in versus mode. Is it available for all of you guys?

    The Kid

  7. It's seems that TK-42 Karma was only available over the weekend for 205 blue coins. I'm glad I bought it just in time. Fully upgraded, but will take some time getting used to as I'm an agility fan. Although great for survival and campaigns, not too bad for versus too;)Agility is great and surprisingly it vs. very well against other weapon class plains.

  8. You know at first I thought it great the way that metalstorm had such a diversity of planes so that we could all fit whatever plane we want for survival, campaign, or versus. However I'm starting to get really fed up with the way they keep churning out planes for no other reason than to grab our money or time. I'm now at the point that I wish to remove planes from the menu because it take a long time to scroll through for whatever plane I want to use. It would be great if Z2 could give us the option of selling planes that we don't want anymore for a percentage of their original value.

    Furthermore the fact they keep using the same models and just reskinning them and changing the stats is really tiring. I happen to really like the Quicksilver and think it's the best weapons class plane for versus mode, but the other planes are just terrible all around. If they really must use the same models, I wish they would use other aircraft like the Cyclone or Spectre. They are my favorite models, yet they're only used once.

    Otherwise that new missile isn't remotely tempting in terms of price or capability. I still hate the medal system and wish that Z2 would fix the problem of not always awarding medals for campaign of survival modes.

  9. Not sure about refund. But I agree on the medal system. It really seems random. Sometimes you get yellow medals and sometime you don't.

    1. For campaign and versus modes they seem randomly awarded, however I've discovered that you're almost certain to get medals for reaching wave 20 or above in survival mode. This gets you anywhere from 30-37 medals. At wave 15-19 you're more likely to get medals than not, but 20 seems to be the magic number for survival mode.

      I typically will do this with my Aurora equipped with Phoenixes and a credit cannon, and I make it to wave 20 over 90% of the time. I have issues using agility and defense class planes because they take too long to regenerate damage, but the Aurora (and now the Karma) seem the best planes for survival mode. Hope this helps.

  10. I must agree with the last two comments. Same planes are being used over and over again, when there's so many cool models out there what could bring more fun into the game. I wish they let you utilize green coins much wider i.e buy blue coins or medals even if the exchange ratio would be high, say 1000 green coins buy 100 medals or so. Z2-Please, make a new missile sell for green coins not medals!

  11. Some new planes cost 20000 credits and are not even worth it. Look at the F-51 Hawken, it cost 20000 credits also the states are better so I wouldn't recommend a plane that. The new planes that cost 20000 credits should be for at least 15000 credits.


    1. I forgot the like in that like I wouldn't recommend a plane Like that.


  12. Hi Z2, why dont you put the outlines around planes anymore?? ie: denoting weapons class / agility class or defense class? Its only cosmetic but its the attention to detail we have come to expect from you. Have you lost interest in the game ??

    1. They only don't put outlines on the new planes, like the quicksilver or condor. The older planes still have the outlines.

  13. The TK-42 Karma owns its outlines to the Avro Vulcan, a British Strategic Bomber now out of service ( ). So in a way it shares heritage with the Sky Demon. In both cases Z2 converted a real world bomber with no air-to-air capability into a fighter aircraft, lol.

  14. I know this might sound stupid, but can anyone tell me what stealth does?

    1. It makes you harder to get locked by missiles, me thinks. So it takes longer until your opponent has lock on you with his missiles. The opposite would be "Missile Tracking",
      Please correct me if wrong.

    2. the opposite is Lock speed.

      Stealth goes against Lock Speed

      Evasion goes against Tracking

    3. As a example a plane has 10% stealth, and the other plane has 5% lock speed. That means that it minus 5% of the stealth so 5% of the stealth is left. Lock speed is important.


  15. Plane release schedule (post from

    1.2013-07-15----2013-07-21 T-40 利箭(武器)
    2.2013-07-22----2013-07-28 AF-Y4 萨拉托加(敏捷)
    3.2013-07-22----2013-07-28 R-94 黑鸟 (防御)
    4.2013-07-29----2013-08-04 BP-13 黄蜂(敏捷)
    5.2013-08-05----2013-08-11 GP-87 术士(武器)
    6.2013-08-12----2013-08-18 P-79 鬼怪(敏捷)
    7.2013-08-19----2013-08-25 D-112 老鹰(防御)
    8.2013-08-26----2013-09-01 RA-M84 泰坦(武器)
    9.2013-09-02----2013-09-08 KD-90 斯芬克斯(防御)

    1. So, the mother of all Defense class planes, the D-112 GREEN EAGLE will return August 19th!

    2. MetalstormwingmanmanJune 26, 2013 at 4:38 AM

      What does all this chinese, japanese or whatever it is mean?

    3. How much does the green eagle cost because I really wanted a long time ago, if I had that plane it would be my main plane but now the plane that I use the most which is a main plane is the Hawken.


    4. The green eagles armor regen is probably lowered.

    5. So if they change the stats of the Green Eagle on the re-release, will this also change the stats of the old Green Eagles already out there?

    6. to: "The green eagles armor regen is probably lowered. "

      I would be surprised. They never did such a thing. Most agree that the GE sucks but changing the stats would be unfair for players who bought it with the previous stats. They can't release a plane with great stats and lower the stats once people have bought it.
      And honestly, is the GE so problematic? OK it's hard to kill it with credits weapons, especially with agility planes, but it's quite easy to get a 0-0 draw (especially with agility planes). So it does not really provide an advantage in versus mode and I don't think that many people would use except for survival.
      By the way they have not yet built an agility plane with armor regen although two weapon planes with armor regen are now available. Such a plane might become a best seller in my opinion, especially if it has also extra speed and agility.
      Agility class with
      Agility +10%
      Speed +10%
      Cannon damage +10%
      Armor regen +4%
      I don't think that would be an overpowered plane although it would be quite attractive.

      The Kid

    7. Then the the price would be higher. I'm the same person that said that the armor regen would be lowered.

    8. It seems that Z2 has changed the release plane for this week.... I was expecting the Arrow and now is the striker.... Anybody knows what happened?


  16. Ii's Chinese, Just the name of the the planes

  17. I want four planes from the list, but don't have blue coins for all. How much was the GE when it came out last?

  18. CODE ifr8- -813ut097[i[ ou374t-u13[igj[ peibu] p9ugf0b920gu eh go;qiy r9-3462y[rih24jh 'p9bu]40g9u4 2[ihgo2h;o p u5[07512983er48563907tfyfdl vueyetyosh f; hgp 8 uhjt iup8ty3[52th 45[oy[8y 2June 26, 2013 at 2:14 PM

    The GE was 205. If you want so many blue coins, try jailbreaking, (unless you have a Ipad4 or Iphone5.

  19. There is a guy called Zorro. He is sending messages with nasty stuff. He also has a way to invade the game an screw the image of the airplane. What can we do against this guy?

  20. Does someone know this guy? ZORRO???

    There is a guy called Zorro. He is sending messages with nasty stuff. He also has a way to invade the game an screw the image of the airplane. What can we do against this guy?

  21. From NSF Cube, the GE is coming back. Bless of bull shit?
    2013-07-15----2013-07-21 T-40 Arrow
    2013-07-22----2013-07-28 AF-Y4 Saratoga
    2013-07-22----2013-07-28 R-94 Achilles
    2013-07-29----2013-08-04 BP-13 Wasp
    2013-08-05----2013-08-11 GP-87 Warlock
    2013-08-12----2013-08-18 P-79 Spectre
    2013-08-19----2013-08-25 D-112 Green Eagle
    2013-08-26----2013-09-01 RA-M84 Titan
    2013-09-02----2013-09-08 KD-90 Sphynx

    1. Sean, we already know. See Howard Liu's comment above.

    2. Sorry, was searching for the English list.

    3. Don't be... Thanks for the English list....

      By Cyclone

  22. Metalstorm:Aces is available in the app store. Does this herald the end of the Metalstorm:Online era?

  23. I tried Metalstorm Aces and didn't like at all...It just doesn't feel as real as Metalstorm Online.

  24. Same, I prefer MSO so far. This comic-look just doesn't feel right. :P

  25. Metalstorm aces is out in the US now. It says its a sequel to metalstorm online.

  26. Anyone has the Warlord yet the exclusive Agility class plane that is there for limited time and will not be Re-released ever again? I have it. It's agility class:
    +12 Damage
    +14 Agility
    +11 Energy
    +9 Lock Speed

    1. Even though I finished the 4. campain in Aces, the Warlord isn't unlocked in MSW.
      What can I do?

    2. You have to make a z2 account and connect it with Game Center

    3. How do you connect a Z2 account with Game Center?
      Did you mean to be locked into both separatley, but at the same time?

  27. LOL. Everyone making same mistake. Figure it out before the plane disappears and never gets Re-released. I had no problems getting it.

    1. Floro, can you be more specific on how to avoid the mistake you stated?

  28. A little bit of topic: German Luftwaffe's Fighter Wing 71 "Richthofen" will say pharewell to the last F-4F Phantom's in German service with an airshow tomorrow (Saturday, June 29):
    So if you are in Northern Germany, grab the chance to see this beauty in flight:

  29. If you already past campaign 4 ages ago before this offer well I have a bad news for you. Anyways you should contact Z2 anyway. But first make sure you're logged in your GC account AND your Z2 account

  30. Awesome! I just unlocked the new free MV-23 WarLord! Now to do some upgradin!

  31. And my name is Sky Stalker by the way! Not the other dude that is having problemos with getting the spankin' new good aircraft!
