Friday, November 15, 2013

Great Training Videos from Brad Willis

I wanted to take a moment to reference some great training videos that are available for viewing on youtube from Brad Willis.  Brad has some fantastic insight on the nuances of playing MSO and I've personally found these videos very educational.  Hope that you do too:

Metalstorm Online Training Video #1:  Introduction

Metalstorm Online Training Video #2:  Weapons Class using Coin Weapons

Metalstorm Online Training Video #3:  Evading Your Opponent

Metalstorm Online Training Video #4:  Missile Evasion

Many other great MSO videos posted by Brad - mostly plane reviews and recorded battles


  1. Great videos, thanks for sharing! ;)

  2. Yeh, i need to check those videos out, maybe i could learn a thing a two!

  3. Is it just me, or is MSO getting more "chinafied" it's like every other player you get matched up with is chinese (and 95% of them are hackers!) especially the ones flying "Liberties". that shit really pisses me the fuck off, too! -Z2 should kill this game off if they're NOT willing or able to stop the cheaters!!

    1. haha z2 oursourced the programing to us chinks

  4. I though Z2 did a BIG mass banning of hackers and cheaters from the game? - i was one of those who got banned earlier this year, for using a mod, for unlimited missiles, that's it. and most of the known hackers back then, are still in the game hacking! just this morning i got matched with a player (probably chinese) i swear i hit this player about 10 times with bisnos, and it did'nt blow up, he just stood there taking it, never tried to evade me and never fired back at me. i just glided around til it was over, and got a +25 win, weird huh?!?!

  5. Go SiR BRadd KEEp it up, AWsome videos now i learn the Trick from you in the Striker !!! TNX

    from your friend 神社ウルフ:))

  6. If you're on the west coast, US, MOST of the "chinese hackers" are playing at night, as it's daytime in china, at your night. from this night on, i'll avoid playing at night. just a little awhile ago, i got matched with nothing but chinese, seriously! it just made me nauseated, i logged off, and fired a few bowls and calling it a "netflix night" lol:)

  7. this is like the movie industry... filming in exotic places, paying actors and actresses by the million$. then being cheap by outsouring the master film for mass production in china or taiwan. then complain about bootleg movies.. stop outsourcing to us chinese ,or like the iphone working with skorea. no wonder samsung is now producing cheap phones that out sells the iphone. boy, i do love america

  8. Where the hell is 11-18-13 new plane???

    1. Z2 ran out of old planes for re-sale

  9. why not re-release spectre and the ge?

  10. Hi Y'all! based on the MetalStorm fan club from Facebook (group from Brad Willis) this is the next plane schedule release for the next weeks:

    -= new planes list =-
    W-113 Rath (Agility)
    FA-87 Tigris (Weapons)
    A-17 Paladin (Weapons)
    Rattler (Agility)
    FA-12 Liberty (Weapons)
    FA-88 Hurricane (Weapons)
    Red Widow (Weapons)
    WM-10 Striker (Agility)
    F410 Zephyr (Agility)

    Source: VZ DarkFact from Metalstorm fan club.


    by Cyclone

    1. Thanks for your post. Glad to help (^_^)

      「VZ•E」 Dark Fact

    2. dont play against vz players.. nothing but cheat.. just waring all players

    3. ^^^Right, when you play us, we suck out all of your blue coins. Then you're device will crash. Sorry about that. You'll get a coupon for 10% off a new one at the Apple store though! It's the least we can do. Cheers. (^_^)

      「VZ•E」 Dark Fact

    4. I thought it was 10% off of google play cards...


    5. So what's the next plane list looking like, after the "crapper" i mean zephyr is gone??

    6. Hasn't been updated yet. I'll extract the new list and post it some time Monday. Unless z2 completely forgets to give us new planes again.

      「VZ•E」 Dark Fact

    7. It appears they hold off on giving us planes for a long time. Based on my research, we'll have something by the end of this month. I will be posting all future leaked plane lists in the newest MetalStorm Club, open to all -

      「VZ•E」 Dark Fact

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thanks for the nice write-up! Did one more new training video on the topic of beating the Liberty Bisno backflippers.

    1. what's up brad willis, aka bwilliw. why disconnect in middle of a game?
      i was only using my warlord (no blue coin weapons) against your sky demon (no blue coin weapons).

      disrespecting player by disconnecting
      sal ong

    2. Hey Brad, can you some reviews on these planes?


      I would appreciate that brad, thanks bro.

    3. I'll take a look. I don't have all of those planes. Of your list, I have Striker, Firefly and Paladin only. I'll have to check to make sure I didn't already do a review on any of those three.

    4. Sup Brad, did you ever review the firefly, paladin and striker? Because i can't find them on youtube. and what happen to your group on facebook, it's closed?

  13. I noticed that I have the "Iron Fang" twice in my plane list. Can anyone confirm this?

    1. same here, i am showing two iron fangs.
      sal ong

  14. How do we get rid of it? Or can we give one away to a buddy?
