Monday, January 13, 2014

Exploring the world of dogfighting on your PC

Another interesting looking dogfighting game in case your interested.  This is PC based.  Curious if anyone out there has given it a try.

Youtube trailer below:

Also here is a review of the game from Gamespot  Click Here


  1. BORING!...uh new plane list anyone?!

  2. WOW, it kind of seems as though Z2 has totally abandoned MSO; with no new planes on time hardly anymore; hackers with "invincibility mods" going unchecked by Z2 staff! Lag is worser than ever! Amongst other things...but ya know what? I still enjoy the game- just wish Z2 would get their shit together or give us back our money that some of has spent in the game and discontinue the damn game!!!

    1. I have totally reversed my feelings towards this game; I NO longer enjoy it, because of the vast infestation of hackers in it, and Z2 staff's failure to STOP them! Seriously – I have erased this fucking game from my phone for good, and playing a better game now with NO HACKERS in it... Yet! Don't know how long that's going to last; as I have spotted some Russian and Chinese players in it! - I don't want to say the name of the game, because it
      doesn't need a bunch of hackers flocking to it too- even Brad Willis plays it too! And like him; i say FUCK MSO & Z2 for life!; for letting the The fucking hackers control "their game" - good luck SUCKERS!!!!

    2. i have played billiw twice -- first, he disconnected and yes, he did becuase the game said no longer in game or something in red. second, he upgraded his missiles against my my raams.

    3. russian pilot - USSR AIRFORCE... hard to beat a reaper
      chinese or japanese character pilot - uses iron fang or rath plane... hard to be beat... tip: use your eagle eye and see what the iron fang is doing.. if going fast, you go fast, if rath, use combo of fast, sideswipes and slow most important is use cannons

    4. death has arrive with paladin.. this plane turns fast and flies fast... i'm considering him a borderline hacker.. but not sure because i have beaten this pilot with a lancer and stilletto.

  3. Same here, I still enjoy it. And at least some support would be nice. Maybe even a new campaign.
    Luckily I haven't met any hackers so far, but I rarely play 1on1 (SR 2500).

  4. Xun Zhang-

    They don't care about the players, they care about money. In their game, it is the game (Z2) plays us instead of we play the game! Z2 will leave the game buggy forever, keep re-releasing spam planes forever, and make the game to be the heaven of hackers which pushed and redirect us to the hacking skills. Only in that way, could we actually play the game! We want to play the game fairly and legitimately but Z2 has different opinion on that. That is why they name the game as Metal Storm: @c$3 with pun-intended meaning.

  5. what! i'm disappointed! no new chinese plane - year of the horse.
    they could have named it pegasus. not too late z2...

  6. 2nd week in a row; NO no plane! That goes to show you how much they respect their players... And with this new iOS 7 jailbreak you can expect more hackers in the damn game; because we all know the lazy ass staff@Z2 is it going to do shit about it!!!!!

  7. That's really not nice since you still can find game without waiting long, so the game is still alive. And it's much better than ACES tbh. ACES feels just sluggish and I don't like the comic style graphics.

  8. Or a new singleplayer campaign would be nice. I'd even pay for it. ;)

  9. The new planes, via [VZ] Squadron:

    1. Oops, that didn't work. Too many symbols, I just cut it right out of the game, raw code, LOL, anyways, just stop by our home, it's posted there -

  10. Hmm, closed group. Please share here. ;)

  11. Ok, the first plane is the TK-44 Nova. What comes next?

    And they fixed the double "Iron Fang" so at least a little sign of life there. They still do some maintenance at least. ;)

  12. someone please block the player from China!!! MTF cheaters have "magic" planes and weapons 300 times better than any other player. It is not enough to eat dogs, they have to screw up good games.

    1. are you sure it's hacking? sometimes it's internet connection...

    2. Knowing that China do not respect any patents, legal human rights, international conventions, they fuckup copy and crack everything from everywhere...
      ... no, it is not the internet.

  13. Sorry for the delay, we're currently on Cobalt. Here is the rest of the list, enjoy!

    Stiletto (Agility)
    M-53 Ice Wolf (Weapons)
    Achilles (Defense)
    IronFang (Agility)
    W-113 Rath (Agility)
    FA-87 Tigris (Weapons)
    A-17 Paladin (Weapons)
    J-35 Dynasty (Agility)
    FA-12 Liberty (Weapons)
    Rattler (Agility)
    K15 Mako (Agility)
    WM-10 Striker (Agility)
    F410 Zephyr (Agility)
    RA-M84 Titan (Weapons)
    FA-88 Hurricane (Weapons)
    Stiletto (Agility)
    X-15 Griffin (Weapons)
    T-40 Arrow (Weapons)

    【VZ】Ðark Fact

  14. Thatnks for the update!
