Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sky Gamblers: Cold War - 4th installment of the Sky Gamblers series

About a month or so ago, Sky Gamblers released its 4th dogfighting game:  Sky Gamblers: Cold War.  See review links below.  From what I can see, this is pretty similar to the other Sky Gambler games but lets here from you - anyone tried this?  How do you like it?

MacLife review

Touch Arcade review

Gamezebo review


  1. no thank you! mso is still for me.
    however, i'm getting annoyed with z2 for the lag, losing 12 sr points for winning(hmm, yes for winning), and seeing the ge in versus (mostly chinese noobs).

    1. Agreed. Most of the time i have to play with Chinese noobs with bisnos and I can't see them most of the time. In vs. matchs they are always behind my plane... It's annoying. I would say that 40% of the time I lost connectivity and either lose or win a match or takes for ever to connect.... Anyone else?

      By Cyclone

  2. Sky Gamblers Storm Raiders is App of the week and thus for free at the moment at least in the Swiss App Store.

  3. Hello Z2,
    Please release an Agility class SR71.
    Energy 15
    Agility 14
    Damage 13
    Lock speed 12

    1. Sr71 blackbird with agility makes no sens whatsoever give it speed 16 that will make it an interesting plane

      CELT1C SA1NT

  4. I'll take speed 12 instead of lock speed.

  5. Do it for a weekend only,100K credit coins, and I'll take one.

  6. Can anyone name the sky gamblers games in order from first to last for me? I don't know which one to get.

  7. I have been playing SGCW since it's release. It's just awesome! It's a hybrid of SGAS and SGSR. Go for SGCW FTW.

    1. I agree! SGCW and SGSR are awesome!

  8. As a USAF pilot, I prefer both SGCW and SGSR over MS. SG is a much more realistic sim. Not perfect, but way better than MS.
